Thursday, June 5, 2008

the Great Plains = the Big Boreings

Hello from the future!!!!!!

Well before it wasn't such a big deal when i bast from pacific time to mountain time now I'm in central time !!! that's a whole two hours in the future so if you want to call me up and be like what is going to happen on FRIENDS i can be like "Chandler just hit his head on the door and it was funny".

I rode going to the sun road but didn't make it to the sun because there was road construction on the way back down i saw i big black bear and took some photos. I crossed the Rocky's and saw the Continental divide, the sign kinda sucks, hung out with the lodgeys or the kids who work at the glacier park lodge. Then cruised down the mountains to Browning and had an Indian Taco in Haver MT i finally meet my Idaho racist, i helped him program his DVD player, then i rode on and saw a lot of dirt grass cows then more grass.

now I'm in Williston North Dakota and I'm already seeing evergreen trees so i hope in a couple of days i will be out of the great planes and in a cycling paradise with no hills, shade and no wind.



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